Ovarian cysts

It is normal to find cysts on the ovaries and most are as a result of the normal ovarian functioning (functional cysts).


A cyst is a fluid filled sac. It is normal to find cysts on the ovaries and most are as a result of the normal ovarian functioning (functional cysts). Occasionally these cysts will grow too big and may cause symptoms. If they are small, they usually disappear without treatment but if they are big or symptoms become severe, the cyst(s) may need to be removed.

Other types of cysts may develop on the ovary which are not part of the normal functioning of the ovary. Such cysts include endometriomas, cystadenomas and dermoid cysts.


  • Symptoms may be:
  • Pelvic/abdominal pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Sense of fullness in the abdomen
  • Difficulty passing urine
  • Irregular bleeding


A cyst may be detected on internal examination but will usually require a pelvic ultrasound scan to make a diagnosis. When a cyst does need to be removed this can usually be done using keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) which enables a much quicker recovery, has less impact on future fertility and helps to preserve normal ovarian tissue. (At OBGYN Matters we can offer you the top UK keyhole surgery professionals.) Occasionally more major surgery may be required.

The outcome of your investigations will be discussed with you and an individual treatment plan will be made to give you the best possible outcome.

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