At ObGyn Matters we offer a number of different pregnancy packages and are also happy to see pregnant women for one off appointments. The package price we can offer you will depend on how far advanced the pregnancy is advanced and what sort of care you would like to have.
Please give Zoe a call on 0207 935 1423 to find out more and to book an appointment.
ObGyn Matters at The Portland Hospital is a fully private maternity hospital in the UK and places great emphasis on safety and choice, as well as providing a bespoke service to ensure that you and your partner are looked after throughout pregnancy and birth.
The packages below are for the delivery of your baby at The Portland Hospital, and do not include consultant professional fees as consultants are independent of the hospital and their fees vary accordingly.
ObGyn Matters at The Portland Hospital is a fully private maternity service and places great emphasis on safety and choice, as well as providing a bespoke service to ensure that you and your partner are looked after throughout pregnancy and birth. Consultant Obstetrician professional fees packages are available from 6 weeks of gestation. These include routine appointments, delivery and a postnatal 6 week check (please call us for package prices on 0207 935 1423).
In addition to our professional fees the Portland hospital charges the packages below for the delivery of your baby.
Normal delivery - £7,995
Emergency C-section - £9,495
Elective C-section - £9,300
Additional nights - For new mothers who wish to stay at The Portland a little longer after giving birth, our prices for additional nights, once you pass midnight, are as follows:
Epidural (if required) £995 (plus £85 for each top-up). This covers the anaesthetist and relevant drugs for a normal delivery or emergency c-section
Instrumental delivery - If you require a ventouse or forceps delivery, a charge of £148 is applied.
Induction - If you require an induction, a charge of £635 is applied. This will be included in your package price when you request an induction.
Multiple Pregnancies – If you have a twin/triplet pregnancy there will be an additional charge of £500 applied to the package.
Please give Zoe a call on 0207 935 1423 to find out more and to book an appointment.